Research evaluation
Work package 5 of the CORE Organic project aims at providing insight into priority setting, funding and evaluation of organic farming research. In November 2005 a questionnaire on these issues was send to CORE Organic partners.
The results have now been summarized.
CORE Organic workshop
At the upcoming CORE Organic workshop research topics for a coming transnational call will be presented, and research questions regarding the preparation of proposals to the call will be discussed.
Ways for better coordination and improved use of research facilities will be discussed.
Notes & correspondences
Initiation of a European Consortium for Organic Animal Breeding, a ISOFAR workshop on the feasibility of energy reliance in organic farming, a FQH workshop on " better understanding of organic food quality", and more.
Joint Organic Congress
More than a thousand people from 45 different countries have now registered for the joint organic congress, taking place in Odense, Denmark 30 - 31 May 2006. During the congress about 275 papers will be presented at about 45 sessions. All submitted papers are already available at the open access archive Organic Eprints.
> More about the congress
> Congress website
> Congress proceedings
Around Europe
An overview of current topics in partner countries
New research will focus on food quality, environment and conditions of third-world farmers
New perspectives in the coordination of French research in organic food and farming
16 project proposals following a call for research in organic production and distribution
Open space technique to include stakeholder in research priority setting process