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CORE Organic workshop
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CORE Organic workshop
How to increase cooperation in transnational OFF research?
The CORE Organic workshop aims at bringing together interested scientists and others in order to:
- Present research topics for common calls within the ERA-NET scheme CORE Organic
- Discuss research questions regarding the preparation of proposals to common transnational calls
- Present and discuss ways for a better collaboration and coordination of OFF research in Europe
- Show and discuss ways for improved use of research facilities of OFF research
The programme for the CORE Organic workshop has now been finalized.
12.00 |
Lunch |
13.00 |
Welcome and objectives of the workshop Stefan Lange |
13.10 |
Introduction to the CORE Organic project Erik Steen Kristensen |
13.30 |
Introduction of Organic E-prints database (as one example for ways of co-operation, collaboration and better use of research facilities) Ute Williges |
13.50 |
Presentation of analysis about research topics and facilities made in the CORE Organic project (as one example, how we can utilise OEP) Arja Nykänen |
14.10 |
Group work for ways of co-operation, collaboration and better use of research facilities for OF&F research Stefan Lange (4 groups with the same agenda; topic: what are the additional suggestions of the participants, what are the benefits of using Organic Eprints independently from CORE Organic?) |
15.10 15.30 |
Coffee break |
15.30 |
Conclusions from the group work (group speakers and Stefan Lange) |
16.00 |
Presentation of the topics for the joint call of CORE Organic Erik Steen Kristensen
16.15 |
Group work to discuss research questions and sub-topics regarding the proposals for the joint call (organised as small „open space“-discussions) Stefan Lange |
16.20 16.55 |
First phase: two discussion groups per thematic topic
16.55 17.00 |
Changing the discussion groups
17.00 17.40 |
Second phase: two discussion groups per thematic topic |
17.40 |
Conclusions from the group work - group speakers and Stefan Lange |
18.00 |
Dinner |
Practical information
The workshop is held on 29 May 2006, 13.00 - 18.00 at Odense Congress Centre in Denmark. The time and location will enable participants in the Joint Organic Congress to participate in the workshop.
The workshop will start with lunch, which are served from 12.00. The workshop will conclude with dinner served at app. 18.00.
There are no fees for participating in the workshop, but expenses for lunch and dinner (€ 62) are mandatory.
Please visit the Congress website for information on venue, travel, etc.
More information
Questions regarding the workshop programme should be directed to:
Arja Nykänen, MTT Agrifood Research Finland. E-mail:
Stefan Lange, Institution: Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (D). E-mail: