First transnational call
The first transnational call in CORE Organic will be open from 1 September to 1 December 2006. The call is expected to include three thematic research areas, and the joint pool should be of at least 3 million € per year.
More about the call
New book on organic research
A new book provides a comprehensive overview of research programmes, financing, facilities, and stakeholder involvement, together with selection, evaluation and utilisation of research in the 11 CORE Organic partner countries.
More about the book
Around Europe
In this issue there are news from Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden.
News from around Europe
CORE Organic workshop
At a workshop organised by CORE Organic about 30 scientists and stakeholder representatives discussed transnational co-operation and better use of research facilities for organic food and farming research.
The organisers have drawn conclusions
Joint Organic Congress
Research in sustainable systems was one of the themes at the recent European Joint Organic Congress; societies expectations to organic farming, stakeholder involvement and the methodology to be used in the research were only some of the issues discussed.
App. 1.050 participants from 45 countries attended the congress. The 79 sessions and four plenary sessions were organized by 16 EU supported research projects in cooperation with the Danish biennial organic congress.
The 288 English language congress proceedings are available via Organic Eprints.
More about the congress
Notes & correspondences
Organic Eprints has been named as one of 20 preferred web sources. Calls have been issued for a Conference on new approaches in food quality analysis and for the 9th Scientific German Speaking Conference on Organic Agriculture
EU research
Organic food and farming in the seventh framework programme, a meeting of ERA-Nets in the field of Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology and conclusions and recommendations from the SAFO project.