Research in sustainable systems was one of the main themes at the recent European Joint Organic Congress. The theme focused on research issues, including research methodology, stakeholder involvement and how to conduct research on sustainability and environmental impact of organic food and farming.
The theme also discussed if and how organic farming can comply with the expectations of a multifunctional environmentally sound production system. This included discussions on the impact of organic farming on the wider society and rural development.
Below, we have collected links to submitted papers and presentations given at the theme sessions and the related plenary sessions, where among others - the expected contents of the seventh EU Framework Programme were outlined.
Facts on the congress
The congress had app. 1.050 participants from 45 countries. 541 participants came from Denmark.
The congress was organized by 16 EU supported research projects in cooperation with the Danish biennial organic congress.
The congress contained 44 English language sessions, 35 Danish language sessions, 4 plenum meetings, 7 satellite meetings and 3 project meetings
The 288 English language congress proceedings are available via Organic Eprints.
Opening plenum: Organic farming and European rural development
Research plenum: Research to develop organic food and farming
Overviews of European organic research, policies, and regulations
Researching organic farming and rural development
Organic research methodology issues
Researching sustainability and environmental impact of organic farming
Stakeholder involvement in research
Opening plenum: Organic farming and European rural development
Consumers and society are asking for divers services from agriculture. Healthy and safe food, clean drinking water, protection of nature, care for farm animals, production of renewable energy, and a balanced development of rural areas are the some of the equitable requests.
However, issues such as globalisation, increased trade and demographic changes provide European farmers, food producers and policymakers with new and huge challenges. In this situation organic agriculture might offer possible solutions to a number of key challenges.
> Welcome address by the Austrian presidency for the EU (PDF)
> Organic Agriculture and Food Security
> Organic farming’s role in European agricultural and environmental strategies
Research plenum: Research to develop organic food and farming
In order to comply with the challenges and the new demands facing agriculture, food production and rural districts, the European communities have initiated large-scale research programmes. Part of this research is focussing on the development of organic food and farming systems, and the congress embraces the main part of the EU supported research within this area. The plenum will elucidate and discuss research that simultaneous seeks to develop organic food production systems and the public goods that are the benefits of a sustainable agricultural sector.
> Improving quality and safety and maximizing benefits to consumers and producers
> Research in organic food and farming as a tool for providing public goods
> The positioning of organic products: which way forward?
> Improving quality and safety and maximizing benefits to consumers and producers
> Research in organic food and farming as a tool for providing public goods
> Research for Sustainable Food and Farming Systems
> The positioning of organic products: Which way forward?
Overviews of European research, policies and regulations
The aim of the introductory topic plenary session was to provide an overview of European research, policy initiatives at national and European level, together with an overview of the proposed Council Regulation of organic food and farming.
> European organic farming policies: an overview
Presentations (PDF)
> Overview of European research in Organic Food & Farming
> European Organic Farming Policies: an overview
> Proposed Council Regulation on organic production
Researching organic farming and rural development
The objective of the session was to discuss socio-economic impact of organic farming to rural development, the contribution of organic farming to the preservation of cultural landscapes, cultural heritage and the cultural identity of rural territories?
> Strengthening positive links between organic farming and a sustainable development of rural areas
> The role of organic agriculture in networks for rural development
> A territorial approach to OF the case of ecoregion in Austria
> Development of organic farming in distant rural Maori communities in New Zealand
Organic research methodology issues
The objective of the session was to present new roads in organic research, for example on the difference between organic and conventional research approaches, the contribution of organic research to a more holistic view on agriculture, and to discuss how the interaction between research and practical farming can be improved
> How to fear farming system sustainability?
> Prototyping organic mixed crop-dairy systems at a local scale: a multi-attribute approach
> BIOM, Organic farmers network for Research, Development and Innovation
> Agro-ecology Education and Research: An Academic Platform for Organic Farming
> Organic agriculture in a development policy perspective
Researching sustainability and environmental impact of organic farming
The objective of the session was to investigate if and how organic agriculture can retain/regain its positive impact on environmental sustainability under the premises of globalisation?
Furthermore, it was discussed how organic farming provide an alternative model for the use of renewable energy.
> Impact of organic agriculture on diversity and abundance of farmland birds
> Feed production on farms without animals is not environmentally sustainable
> Organic Farming and the Energy Crisis: Saint or Sinner?
> Visions for organic bio energy production in Denmark
> An integrated analysis of scale effects in alternative agricultural systems
Stakeholder involvement in research
The final session of the theme focussed at possibilities for Stakeholder involvement in research:
How can research respond to the needs of the stakeholders, which methods can ensure stakeholder participation most efficiently trough out the research process, and how can research results best be communicated?
> Organic research and stakeholders involvement: the IFOAM-EU contribution
> Dutch stakeholders set the organic research agenda
> Organic food and farming research needs in the UK
>Facing the organic reality: the diversity of development models and consequences
> A participatory methodology for large-scale field trials in the UK
> Developing Organic Farming in Norway through Systemic Action Research
> Priorities and approach of the Dutch research in organic food and farming
Further information
Additional information on the European Joint Organic Congress can be found at the congress website