Preannouncement of first transnational call for organic food and farming
CORE Organic workshop
How to increase cooperation in transnational Organic Food and Farming research?
European research in Organic Food and Farming
Discussing European research issues
An overview of current topics in partner countries
News from EU research activities
On current events and activities
CORE Organic Workshop
How to increase cooperation in transnational Organic Food and Farming research?
At the CORE Organic workshop held in conjunction to the Joint Organic Congress on the 29th of May 2006 in Odense, more than 30 scientists and others of various expertise areas discussed about cooperation and better use of research facilities for organic food and farming research (OFF). The CORE Organic project aims at the coordination of national funded research programmes with the ultimate goal to launch a common call.
Based on the work of the CORE Organic project the themes for a common call were presented (see the separate article on the call for further information). Workshop participants were asked to propose research questions and subtopics for the given themes.
The call will be published in September 2006. Please see this article.
A presentation of Organic Eprints ( was given. The open access archive was originally developed by the Danish Research Centre of Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF), and has been actively used and supported by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and the German Federal Agency for Agriculture & Food (BLE). Together with the CORE Organic partners FiBL and BLE have been using it to document their own output and make it accessible to a broad public. The following conclusions were drawn from the discussions and working groups focussing on the topic of increased transnational research cooperation.
Organic Eprints as a tool for transnational research cooperation
It was generally agreed that Organic Eprints is a good tool for information exchange and does already serve this purpose. Many publications, institutions and research facilities of OFF can be found there. It is important for all users to fill in and update this database regularly and inform all stakeholders in all countries about the benefits of this tool. Only then there will be a more ‘critical mass’ and the knowledge is transferred quickly, which makes it more powerful. Organic Eprints allows scientists to make a literature review of a certain topic, as well as identifying relevant partners and research facilities.
Thought was given to develop Organic Eprints establishing discussion forums serving special needs. Furthermore, it was suggested to establish feedback facilities for questions and suggestions regarding the development of the open archive. It was proposed to realise concepts were research processes can be studied and scientists can meet and act.
ERA NETs as a tool for transnational research cooperation
Informal workshops, seminars and networks arranged by ERA NETs can serve as possibilities for getting to know new persons and establish new contacts. Often visits to local research facilities can be linked to these meetings. COST Actions are good examples, where networks are formed during the Action by COST-funding and continued afterwards by personal dedication and/or by other funding. ERA NETs should also support the exchange of researchers in view of harmonizing standards and methodology.
Common calls in ERA NETs should be more flexible with less administrative input when compared with the EU Frame Programme. They should allow realising "more research with less money" and they should give the possibility for regional calls.
Further information
For further information on the workshop, please contact the organisers Arja Nykänen, MTT / MTT Agrifood Research, Finland or Ute Williges/Stefan Lange, Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE), Germany.