Within the last years the European Union has financed a growing number of research projects, which implicate organic food and farming.
In the following you will find a short introduction to projects dealing solely with organic farming.
QualityLowInputFood is an integrated project initiated within the sixth framework programme. The objective is to improve quality, food safety and reduce costs in organic and "low input" food production systems. The project began on the in March 2004, and it involves 31 European partners within different research disciplines.
Full title: Improving quality and safety and reduction of cost in the European organic and "low input" food supply chain
Coordinator: Carlo Leifert, University of Newcastle, UK
Website: www.qlif.org
Project leaflet (PDF)
Organic Revision
Organic Revision is initiated in order to provide recommendations for development of the EU regulation for organic agriculture.
Full title: Research to support revision of the EU regulation on organic agriculture
Coordinator: Erik Steen Kristensen, Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DK)
Website: www.organic-revision.org
Project leaflet (PDF)
EISfOM is an integrated project with the aim to build up a framework for reporting valid and reliable data for relevant production and market data about the European organic sector
Full title: European Information System on Organic markets
Coordinator: Nicolas Lampkin, University of Wales (GB)
Website: www.eisfom.org
Project leaflet (PDF)
It has The objective of SAFO is to improve food safety and sustaining animal health in organic farming. This is done among other things through establishment of a network for exchange and discussion of research.
Full title: Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming
Coordinator: Mette Vaarst, Danish Institute for Agricultural Sciences
Website: www.safonetwork.org
Project leaflet (PDF)
The EU-CEE-OFP project is to identify how the complementary development of Organic Farming in both existing EU states, Switzerland, and in Central and Eastern European (CEE) Accession states can be fostered through policy design and innovation
Full title: Further development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe, with Particular Emphasis on EU Enlargement
Coordinator: Nicolas Lampkin, University of Wales (GB)
Website: www.irs.aber.ac.uk/EUCEEOFP/
Project leaflet (PDF)
REPCO aims to contribute to the replacement of copper fungicides in organic agriculture by new measures for control of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) in grapevine and scab (Venturia inaequalis) in apple.
Full title: Replacement of Copper Fungicides in Organic Production of Grapevine and Apple in Europe
Coordinator: Jürgen Köhl; Wageningen, NL
Website: www.rep-co.nl
The general objective of ENVIRFOOD is to bring together plant breeders, seed producers, and specialists of variety testing of Baltic countries
Full title: Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production
Coordinator: Ina Belicka, State Stende Plant Breeding Station (lv)
More information
The objective is to develop criteria and procedures for the evaluation of the EU Action Plan for Organic Agriculture
Full title: European Action Plan of Organic Food and Farming
Coordinator: Otto Schmid, Fibl (CH)
Website: www.orgap.org
Project leaflet (PDF)
The main objectives of the CHANNEL project is to assess and analyse which development stages have these countries achieved in organic agriculture and to open communication channels on different levels necessary for starting the harmonization and equalization process in organic agriculture.
Full title: Opening channels of communication between Associated Candidate Countries and the EU in Ecological Farming
Coordinator: Laszlo Radics, University of Corvinus (hu)
Website: www.channel.uni-corvinus.hu
Project leaflet (PDF)
INTERCROP aims at defining intercropping strategies for sustainable plant production management in Organic Farming systems under different regional conditions in Europe.
Full title: Intercropping of cereals and grain legumes for increased production, weed control, improved product quality and prevention of N-losses in European organic farming systems
Coordinator Erik Steen Jensen Plant, Risoe National Laboratory (DK)
Website: www.intercrop.dk
Project leaflet (PDF)
Organic Inputs Evaluation
Organic Inputs Evaluation is to come up with recommendations for harmonized and standardised procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture.
Full title: Harmonised and Standardised procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture
Coordinator: Bernhard Speiser, FiBL (CH)
Website: www.organicinputs.org
Project leaflet (PDF)
The overall aim of the Blight-MOP project is to develop a systems approach to control potato late blight that maintains yield and quality and hence commercial viability of organic potato crops without the use of copper fungicides.
Full title: Development of a systems approach for the management of late blight in EU organic potato production
Coordinator: Carlo Leifert, University of Newcastle, UK
Website: www.ncl.ac.uk/tcoa/producers/research/blightmop/
Project leaflet (PDF)
Organic HACCP
The objective of Organic HACCP is to provide recommendations on the chain of production, distribution and consumption in regard to improving the safety and quality of certified organic food products.
Full title: Recommendations for improved procedures for securing consumer oriented food safety and quality of certified organic foods from plough to plate
Coordinator: Kirsten Brandt; University of Newcastle, UK
Website: www.organichaccp.org
The overall long-term aim of the project Seed Treatments for Organic Vegetable Production (STOVE) is the reduction of existing obstacles in production of healthy crop starting material for organic farming, in support of EC regulation N0 2092/91. More short-term specific objectives are the evaluation and optimization of existing methods and development of new methods for control of seed-borne diseases in vegetable crops for organic farming.
Website: http://www.stove-project.net
Project leaflet (PDF)