Upcoming events
CORE Organic kick-off meeting
In September 2007, the current ERA-NET project period will come to an end; at the same time eight transnational research projects initiated under the auspices of CORE Organic will be launched.
In order to start the new research projects, a two-day kick-off meeting is held in Vienna on 13-14 September 2007.
On 13 September, the new transnational research projects will be presented and potential benefits and constraints for transnational research cooperations in OFF through an ERANET will be discussed.
On 14 September, an internal CORE Organic meeting will be held, focusing on the outputs, findings and the "lessons learned" during the 3-year period of the ERA-NET project CORE Organic.
Previous events
Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems
The Congress "Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems" to take place March 20 23, 2007, is the 3rd in a series organized as part of the EU funded Integrated Project (IP) Quality Low Input Food (QLIF).
Previous congresses have taken place in the UK (2005; Organic Farming, Food Quality and Human Health) and in Denmark (2006; Joint Organic Congress).
The 2007 congress is organized by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim. The congress language is English.
The congress will be organized in parallel with the 9th Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture in the German speaking countries, entitled «Between tradition and globalisation», organized by the University of Hohenheim near Stuttgart, Germany. This conference will have sessions held in German and English. The 9th Scientific Conference will gather more than 600 scientists, advisors, farmers, processors, traders and officials from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries. The dialogue between European research and regional actors is an important goal of the joint conference.
5th European Summer Academy on Organic Farming
The Bioacademy is an annual event held in Lednice in the Cheh republic. The programme includes specialist programme, meetings and excursions.
In 2005 the event takes place from the June 29 until July 1. For further information please see http://www.pro-bio.cz/bioakademie2004/english/pozvanka.htm
International Scientific Conference
on Organic Agriculture
The International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture Researching Sustainable Systems is a main module of the 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, hosted by NASAA. The Scientific Conference coordinated by the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) in co-operation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA). The conference will be held in Adelaide, Australia, 21 - 23 September 2005.
Rural development 2005
The second international scientific conference on rural development will focus on Globalisation and integration challenges to the rural development of east and central Europe. It will take place on 17 19 November 2005 at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Lithuanian University of Agriculture
More detailed information about requirements for papers preparation, programme can be found at the conference website.
Joint European Organic Congress
On the 30th-31st of May 2006 CORE Organic will take part in a joint organic congress.
The congress will combine public meeting to be held in EU supported organic research projects and the biannual Danish congress, which usually attracts more than 600 participants.
Among others the congress will examine which potentials research in organic food and farming can offer in regard to the development of agriculture and food production, rural development and environmental protection in the enlarged Europe.
The congress will take place in Odense Congress Centre, which is the popular venue for the Danish congress. The city of Odense is situated on Funen, with direct train from the international airport in Copenhagen.
Further information on the joint organic congress can be obtained from the congress homepage: www.organic-congress.org
Second seminar on organic food and farming
A seminar to discuss ‘Organic Food and Farming research in Europe’ was held in Brussels on November 26th 2004. Hosted by the European Commission’s Research DG, this seminar was the follow up of a first event that took place in September 2002.
The second seminar brought together national representatives, scientists and policy-makers, from across the continent. The objective was to assess the current situation of Organic Food and Farming research in Europe and to identify and recommend areas for improved transnational cooperation.
Announcing events
Current events are also announced in CORE Organic news.
Please contact the webmaster, if you wish to announce an event in the newsletter.