In March 2007, the Integrated Project QualityLowInputFood will conduct its third annual congress. However, already in September it is possible to attend a UK congress dealing with the question "What will organic farming deliver".
3rd QLIF Congress:
Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems
The Congress "Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems" to take place March 20 23, 2007, is the 3rd in a series organized as part of the EU funded Integrated Project (IP) Quality Low Input Food (QLIF).
The IP aims to improve quality, ensure safety and reduce cost along the organic and «low input» food supply chains through research, dissemination and training activities.
Previous congresses have taken place in the UK (2005; Organic Farming, Food Quality and Human Health) and in Denmark (2006; Joint Organic Congress).
The 2007 congress is organized by the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) in cooperation with the University of Hohenheim. The congress language is English.
The congress will be organized in parallel with the 9th Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture in the German speaking countries, entitled «Between tradition and globalisation», organized by the University of Hohenheim near Stuttgart, Germany. This conference will have sessions held in German and English. The 9th Scientific Conference will gather more than 600 scientists, advisors, farmers, processors, traders and officials from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other countries. The dialogue between European research and regional actors is an important goal of the joint conference.
The congress is supported by the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR).
More information
The congress has its own website at
What will organic farming deliver?
In conjunction with the Colloqium of Organic Researchers (COR), the British Association of Applied Biologists is conducting a conference on What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006.
The conference is held at Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh on 18-20 September 2006.
More information
Registration details etc can be found at the AAB website