Many applications from large consortia
Evaluation of proposals
How are proposals selected for funding?
On current events and activities
News from EU research activities
An overview of current topics in partner countries
How are proposals selected for funding?
The process of evaluating and prioritising the 37 applications submitted to the CORE organic pilot call has now started.
In a first step the national contact persons for the call are checking the eligibility of the applicants and co-applicants, i.e. if they have fulfilled the general criteria, such as application written in English and consortia with at least three participating partner countries.
An independent expert panel consisting of nine experts, three for each thematic area will then assess all eligible applications.
All panel experts will read and score all applications independently, according to specific criteria (scientific innovation, methodology, consortium expertise, project management and resource utilisation) and to relevance criteria.
Important dates in 2007
31 January |
Deadline for written assessments from the expert panel |
14 -15 February |
Expert panel meeting with ranking and panel statement adjustment |
1 - 2 March |
CORE Organic Governing Board meeting with final ranking |
Then for each application, one expert will prepare a full written statement, as a starting point for the discussions at the panel meeting.
Based on the assessment of proposals by the experts, the CORE Organic Governing Board will prioritise and rank proposals rated above a certain threshold to be recommended for funding. This will take place in a meeting held in March 2007.
The national funding organisations will then take the final funding decision. After completion, all applicants will receive a written notice of the decision from the CORE Organic call coordinator, along with a statement on the overall assessment from the expert panel.
Written by Karin Ullvén, Sweden